Excel Shortcut Keys for Increasing Work Efficiency- Part 2
There is no denial that shortcuts make one life easier. Some of the most important Microsoft Excel Shortcuts for windows are:-
1 Ctrl + 5: For putting a strikethrough in a cell
2 Ctrl + 9: For hiding a row
3 Ctrl + 0 : For hiding a column
4 Ctrl + ; : For Entering the current date in a cell
5 Ctrl + Shift + : : For Entering the Current Time in the cell
6 Ctrl + ‘: To copy the formula from the above cell
7 Ctrl + ` : For displaying formulas
8 Ctrl +-: For Deleting the rows or columns in excel
9 Ctrl + F4: To close the Microsoft Excel
10 Alt + F + Z: For sharing your workbook
11 F9: To calculate the workbook
12 F2: For editing a particular cell
13 Ctrl + End: To go to the last cell in the workbook
14 Tab: To move to the next cell
15 Ctrl + Home: To redirect to cell A1
16 Ctrl + Up arrow: To get to the topmost cell in the current column
17 Ctrl + Down arrow: To jump to the last cell in a current column
18 Ctrl + Right arrow: To go to the last cell in a selected row
19 Ctrl + Left Row: To jump back to the first cell in a selected row
20 Alt + Page Down: To move the screen towards right
21 Alt +Page Up : To move the screen towards left
22 Esc: To cancel an entry
23 Shift + Right arrow: To shift the cell selection to the right
24 Shift + Left Arrow: To shift the cell selection to the left
25 Enter: For Completing the entry in a cell and moving to the next one
26 Page Up/ Page Down: To move the screen up and down
27 Shift + F2: To add or edit a cell comment
28 Ctrl + Shift + O — To select the cells containing comments
29 Ctrl + spacebar — Selecting the entire column
30 Ctrl + Shift + tab — To switch to the previous workbook